BitWings (PreICO) The home of ultra-safe mining smartphones

BitWings (PreICO) Rumah smartphone pertambangan ultra-aman

BitWings tokens, the original currency of Wings Mobile ecosystem, has 100% guaranteed value for publishing and is the only way to pre-order first (40 000) ultra-safe blockchain smartphones in the world capable of producing up to 2 ETH a month without power consumption, supported with nerve technology. Safe Core OS ™, a safe operating system based on nerve technology built on a commercial Android system that is supported by AI.

Neural Face ID ™ provides the ability to recognize differences between users and strangers, allowing access to the appropriate user menus and applications. Wings Guardian 2.0 ™ verifies and warns users, even in sleep mode. Proof-of-data algorithm that can produce up to 2 ETH in a month. Super Natural "Angel" greeting system. The three WingsPay authentication protocol (FaceID, fingerprint, and PIN) allows secure access to e-wallets equipped with a payment system, based on blockchain technology.

About BitWings

WINGS MOBILE is a cellular network operator, home of software developers and, finally, a manufacturer of electronic products. Thanks to this Triple activity, combined with sophisticated sensitivity that aims to lead the latest leadership, perfectly connecting the needs of today's users with technological innovation, providing unique solutions and products in the world. Since its establishment in 2007 to 2016, it has competed in the wholesale business (B2B) business market, offering services to major telecommunications operators such as: Ono (currently Vodafone), Jazztel (orange), tata, Belgacom, and many others.

In 2017, the organization decided to enter the retail market, directly distributing its services and products to end customers and making its own distribution system. This has a very big challenge for a little-known brand, in traditionally controlled areas by large-scale distributors who are preferred and demanding brands.

First of all BitWings has a strong and experienced team that is responsible. It's also good to see they have passed KYC. The idea is good, and his vision is strong and well outlined on white paper. If the product works like they say it will (up to 2 ETH a month without power consumption), then it will definitely be an attractive product.

They are targeting mobile companies to bring new cellphones in this era so I think that's good. Because now the Mobile day competition is very difficult. So bitwing can easily win this. This is the best feature by bitwings. Products are tested in Colombia and other countries and people who show respect so that the products are amazing.


Token info

PreICO price
1 BWN = 0.1 USD
Price in ICO
0.2000 USD


Main Sale
1st STEP25%
2nd STEP15%
3rd STEP5%
4th STEP0%
Tokens for sale

Investment info

Min. investment
600 USD
ETH, BTC, Fiat
Distributed in ICO
Soft cap
3,000,000 USD
Hard cap
30,000,000 USD

WINGS MOBILE is a cellular network operator, home of software developers and, finally, a manufacturer of electronic products. Thanks to this Triple activity, combined with sophisticated sensitivity that aims to lead the latest leadership, perfectly connecting the needs of today's users with technological innovation, providing unique solutions and products in the world. Since its establishment in 2007 to 2016, it has competed in the wholesale business (B2B) business market, offering services to major telecommunications operators such as: Ono (currently Vodafone), Jazztel (orange), tata, Belgacom, and many others. In 2017, the organization decided to enter the retail market, directly distributing its services and products to end customers and making its own distribution system. This has a very big challenge for a little-known brand, in traditionally controlled areas by large-scale distributors who are preferred and demanding brands.

For further information below:

  1. Website:
  2. Technical document:
  3. Twitter:
  4. Facebook:
  5. Telegram:
  6. Medium:
  7. Lindekin:
  8. GitHub:

Author : D4ffyduck
Eth : 0x8dA58Af1485e05b431fA10B451a8985D3F18eD7D


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