CoTrader - Safe Investment

Each of us thinks where to get more money. People have been trying to save money for years, taking mortgages, loans and so on. And all this for what? And in order to buy an apartment or a house, a car, pay for studies, open a business, etc. These are really necessary things that people "hump" for years and do not always get something to achieve. Mortgage may not be approved, the loan is also, but if approved, then until the end of life you will not pay. Because of all this, people perfectly understand that their savings should be damp. Here only where? Where it is safer to invest them? Today I will answer this question, because a new, innovative project of CoTrader is coming out.

Hasil gambar untuk cotrader bounty

The problems of the current investment platforms :

Some people keep their savings in banks, considering this method the safest. But let's not forget that banks can easily go bankrupt and your savings will go nowhere. Even if this does not happen, the interest that people keep their money in the bank leaves much to be desired. There is also an endless number of investment funds. Each of them offers those or other perspectives for their depositors. Some people trust their money to professional investors. Some of them keep pace with the times and invest in the crypto currency. But in these areas there are a lot of problems that are not pleasant enough and because of them you can lose your money. I'll tell you in more detail about some investment methods and their problems :

Independent investment :
With independent investment, you can lose a part, or all of your assets, due to the fact that you are not a professional and do not know where and how to invest better. This concerns both investment funds and investments in ICO projects. Given that not every project can be successful, you simply can not choose a really promising project, without having some experience and knowledge.

To entrust your money to professionals:
Of course, you can entrust your savings to professionals who can profitably invest your money in the right projects. But let's not forget that in this area there are scammers who can simply steal you. Likewise, basically, no one will give you guarantees that your money will not just earn money, but simply remain intact.

Investments in crypto currency:
Each crypto currency, like any other currency, has the ability to rise and fall in price. You can burn out on the course. Also, in this area of ​​investment, fraud is simply enormous. Simply, you can steal your money if you do not know all the nuances of storing crypto currency and have not taken the necessary security measures.
And this is just a meager part of all the problems associated with investment. But in the light of a new and promising project, called CoTrader. CoTrader promises to solve all these problems and provide you with the most secure platform for your investments.

About the project :

CoTrader is not just an investment fund, but a whole transparent and secure investment fund market based on blocking technology. All of your investments will be fully secure and CoTrader guarantees this. The project offers complete liquidity, control and security of your assets, providing confidentiality and proven profitability of all your investments. The platform supports almost all types of investment. Now you can safely invest your money in ICO, crypto-currencies, assets of some companies and much more, using the domestic currency of CoTrader, getting their dividends later. In this platform there is the technology of "Smart contract", which allows you to invest your money only in successful companies, which in turn will prove to you, the profitability of investing in their particular project, shares, currency, etc. It also guarantees to you that your deposits are only yours and no one can remove them except yourself. There is a technology SmartTrader CoTrader which supports any "smart contracts" working on the following platforms: Ethereum, EOS, NEO, WanChain, Hashgraph and many others.

Hasil gambar untuk cotrader bounty

Tasks of the platform :

CoTrader puts for itself the main task, to provide people with the maximum return on their investment, for the minimum time, providing security and financial freedom. CoTrader also provides its investors with the expertise data of a particular company, allowing them to make decisions about their investments quickly and competently. CoTrader provides a huge spectrum of opportunities for investment. You can invest your money, practically, anywhere. This includes only the most successful ICO projects, assets, crypto-currencies, options and much more. Another important factor is that the CoTrader platform is decentralized, which allows you to quickly perform certain operations, almost anywhere in the world. The platform also plans to support cryptotices of mobile devices. For you, CoTrader will become a convenient and safe method of earning money.

ICO Details :

Name of the token: COT

Platform: Ethereum

Standard token: ERC20

Number of tokens issued: 100,000,000,000 COT

Price per click: 1 ETH = 1,000,000 COT

Payment: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH

Soft cap: -

Hard cap: 10,000,000 USD

Token distribution :
The distribution of tokens will be as follows:

ICO (30%)
Mentors (2%)
TGE (40%)
MM + Seed + Air (10%)
Team (9%)
Shareholders (9%)

Hasil gambar untuk cotrader bounty

The project team :

The project team includes only one of the most experienced specialists. The company has given an important role to their selection. Only one of the best specialists in their fields was selected, who have shown and proved their professionalism in practice more than once. Here are some of them:

And also their advisers :

Concluding my article, I would like to recommend this project once again, which will make your investments more safe and profitable. You can also support the project by purchasing their tokens on the official website. At the moment, there is a discount when buying tokens. Thank you for your attention, all useful links will be below. Invest profitable!

Links to the project :
  1. Web:
  2. White sheet:
  3. Facebook:
  4. Telegram:
  5. Twitter:
  6. Bitcointalk:

Author : (D4ffyduck);u=1176088
Eth : 0x8dA58Af1485e05b431fA10B451a8985D3F18eD7D


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